The families of children with complex needs sometimes found that school services could not meet their needs. Some people are still missing out on school if they cannot get the right support. Most people with learning disabilities do go to school now. In the past some people with learning disabilities did not go to school. If they need support to do this they should get it. 'The same as you?' said that every child should have an education that meets their needs. Sometimes it is hard to keep this help once you have it. Parents told us that at school their children need support from people like speech and language therapists.

People living independently were usually older than 35. Younger adults were usually living at home with their family. This means local authority and housing association housing. Over half of adults with learning disabilities lived in social housing. Since 'The same as you?' was launched over 1000 people have moved out of hospitals and into the community. Some long-stay hospitals stayed open for longer than they should have done. It said that all long-stay hospitals should be closed by 2005. 'The same as you?' said that people with learning disabilities should not live in hospitals. Leaving hospital and living in the community This group will have people with learning disabilities in it. The information people give us will help a group of people make a new strategy (big plan) for people with learning disabilities for the next few years. The Scottish Government will look at what everybody says and write a report. You will find a copy of the consultation questions on the Scottish Government website alongside this easy read. If you would like to answer the questions you can tell us as much or as little as you want to. This means they want to know what people think about what we say in this easy read. To find out if people agree with what we have said or not the Scottish Government is holding a consultation.

1 of the researchers was always a person with a learning disability. We spoke to people who needed more support.Įach person with learning disabilities we spoke to was interviewed by 2 researchers. We spoke to people who needed only a little support. We spoke to adults who were younger and adults who were older. We spoke to people from 4 different parts of Scotland. We wanted to talk to as many different people as we could. They spoke to 51 family carers in Scotland. The research team spoke to 49 adults with learning disabilities in Scotland.

Research is a way of finding out facts and opinions. The Scottish Government want to know if the lives of people with learning disabilities have got better since 'The same as you?' They set up a research team to find out. 'The same as you?' made a list of 29 things that should be done to make the lives of people with learning disabilities better. 'The same as you?' said that people with learning disabilities should have support to live the lives they want. It looked at the services for people with learning disabilities and people on the autism spectrum. 'The same as you?' was written by the Scottish Government in 2000. What is 'The same as you?' consultation report?